I Was Waiting
When your life was running smoothly
And you had no need of me,
My child, you still were in my thoughts
And in my heart, you see --
I was waiting just outside your door,
And yet --
You did not bid me to come in.
When your life was full of sorrow
And your burdens hard to bear,
And you thought that I’d forsaken you,
My precious, I was there --
I was waiting just outside your door,
And yet --
You did not bid me to come in.
I shared all your joys and sorrows,
Though you were unaware;
Did you think that I’d desert you?
Child, I was always there --
I was waiting just outside your door,
And yet --
You did not bid me to come in.
So remember, child, when you are down
And defeated by some heavy task;
I’ll be right there beside you,
All you have to do is ask --
I’ll be waiting just outside your door,
And yet --
You still must bid me to come in
Used with Authors Permission
©Linda E. Newman
All rights reserved.

Background Music - God
Lead Us Along wav
Supplied BY: Rainbow Joys Wavs
JOY WAVS - Sharing God's Love Thru Beautiful Music