A Letter To God
Lord, we lost our loved one, and it seems we can’t go on alone,
So please remind us once again about your sweet Mary’ groan,
Remind us of when a man is taken, and man gives it not a thought,
About how he might be taken by Thee, to miss the things of naught.

We are so lonely and hurt, help us look unto our Savior above,
For the Heavenly blessings of the truest blessings of love,
Let us feel your presence each day, and know our loved one is there,
Reaping the joy of a lovely mansion and in Thy Heavenly care.

Remind us often, that he suffers no more, and one day there we’ll see,
How you planned our mansions, built streets of gold, and are our destiny,
To be with a Savior forever, for all eternity in Thy gentle, loving care,
As our loved one who hath gone home, is surely now with Jesus, there.

He said I go to prepare a mansion, were it not true I would have told you,
So as we mourn our dear departed one, let it be a good mourning too,
To know he is there, one day in Heaven for us to come on to meet,
As we sing Praises unto a lord who is all things to us and will surely greet.

He sent his message into the world about His amazing saving grace,
That when we come to the end here on earth, we’ll see our loved ones face,
We see through a glass darkly now, but then will know as we are known,
Therefore in that day we’ll be together again, when we reach our Heavenly home.

Copyright © Pearlie Duncan Walker

Music By: Geoff